Missions Committee

Romans 10:14-15

Purpose Statement

Out of the grace and forgiveness we have received, we want to support those who spread the Gospel and pass on the excitement of sharing it to others.

We desire to bring awareness to our church family of the work and needs of fellow believers who are ministering on the mission field. We want the church to have the opportunity to share in the excitement of the fulfillment of the Great Commission. We also desire to encourage and support those in our midst who are willing to go out and serve the Lord in this capacity.

We will work to be a liaison between missionaries and our church as well as support the missionaries through faithful prayers, personal encouragement and financial support.

Actively Support

Africa Inland Missions (Mozambique – Jen Jacobs & Cecilia Da Silva) - Aimint.org

Camp Bethel (Summer Camp and Retreats) - Campbethelwyo.com

Chi Alpha Campus Ministries – (Alec & Emily Managhan - UM Missoula) - Chialpha.com

Gideon’s International - Gideons.org

Missions Door (Lopez Family in NE) - Missionsdoor.org

New Hope Uganda – Musana Camps - Newhopeuganda.org

Operation Christmas Child (Samaritan’s Purse) - Samaritanspurse.org

Outreach Clinic (Unplanned Pregnancy Ministry) - Outreachclinicmc.org

Navigators Campus Minsitry (Hannah & Luke Herzog - MSU Bozeman) - Navigators.org

To the Cross Ministries - PreacherinthePatch.com

Tima Anokin - Ukraine

Trails End Ranch (Summer Camp) - Ter.org

Vision Beyond Borders - Visonbeyondborders.org

Wycliffe Bible Translators (Vanuatu - Thulesen & Richards) - Wycliffe.org

Your Network of Praise Radio – (locally @ 102.3 FM) - YNOP.org

Also connected to:

Alliance Defending Freedom - Adfchurchalliance.org

Childbridge (Foster & Adoption Support) - childbridgemontana.org

Voice of the Martyrs - Persecution.com